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Take targeted snapshots with Playwright

By default, Chromatic takes a snapshot at the end of every Playwright test, whether it passes or fails. However, you can also choose to programmatically take snapshots at specific points in your tests using the takeSnapshot function inside your test runs.

takeSnapshot is especially useful for capturing a snapshot of your UI’s appearance when your UI reaches a specific state mid-test:

import { test, expect, takeSnapshot } from "@chromatic-com/playwright";

// 👇 Add testInfo parameter
test("Can filter product", async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
  await page.goto("/restaurant/dp/B07KMG72");

  await page.locator(".menu__item:first-of-type").click();

  // Call takeSnapshot to take an archive "snapshot"
  // of the page at this point in the test.
  // 👇 Pass testInfo to takeSnapshot
  await takeSnapshot(page, testInfo); 

  // Continue with the test.
  await page.getByRole("link", { name: "Add to cart" }).click();

  // You can call takeSnapshot multiple times if necessary.
  // To help disambiguate, you can give the snapshot a name,
  // which is passed as the second argument to takeSnapshot.
  await takeSnapshot(page, "After adding to cart", testInfo); 

  await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Cart/);