Speed up tests & optimize usage

TurboSnap speeds up tests by tracking component files to test only what's changed. This saves you time and optimizes snapshot usage. TurboSnap is exclusive to Chromatic.

Up to
Faster test runs
On average
More cost efficient
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Speed up UI Tests
Increase test speed up to 85% by skipping test runs on unchanged component files.
Hyper-efficient usage
Never snapshot the same UI twice to increase the usage efficiency in large projects.
Made for monorepos
Add TurboSnap to monorepos to prevent sub-project file changes from accidentally triggering full test runs.
Configure when to retest
Configure TurboSnap to do a full rebuild when globs of "externally-processed" files change like fonts, images, and CSS.
Skip branches
Customize which branches to run TurboSnap on when you want to balance usage with the safety of full test runs.
Ignore files
Adjust TurboSnap to ignore changes made to files that are unlikely to cause UI changes.
“We use TurboSnap to identify the changed files and run only the relevant stories and visual tests, cutting down costs and making our CI/CD much much quicker.”
Orr Gottlieb
Orr Gottlieb
Engineering manager

How it works

TurboSnap analyzes Git and your bundler's dependency graph to identify component files and their dependencies that have changed. It then intelligently snapshots the stories associated with those changes.

Track UI dependencies

Industry-leading value per dollar

Compared to other UI testing tools, Chromatic with TurboSnap is up to 41% more cost efficient on average for the same test coverage. This allows you to predictably expand your test strategy without blowing the budget.

“Enabling TurboSnap is a no-brainer. Doing so has helped us reduce costs, avoid running unnecessary visual regression tests, and decreased our build times.”
Brandon Dow
Brandon Dow
Staff software engineer

Save time and the planet

We believe that inefficient test suites pollute the planet by running when they’re not needed. TurboSnap helps you to save time, cut costs, and reduce your carbon footprint.

TurboSnap might make us less money by saving you money. That’s worth it because the planet is priceless. TurboSnap is available only on Chromatic.

Dominic Nguyen
Dominic's signature