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E2E Visual Tests upgrade guide

Last updated: Feb 6 2024

With the launch of E2E Visual Tests in public beta, we made some changes to Chromatic’s setup process for Playwright and Cypress. Follow this guide to upgrade to the new release.

Uninstall old packages

Chromatic now provides separate packages for Playwright and Cypress. Please remove any of the following deprecated packages (you may not have all of them, depending on your framework and the setup guide you followed):

  • @chromaui/archive-storybook
  • @chromaui/test-archiver
  • chromatic-cypress
  • chromatic-playwright

Previously, E2E Visual Tests required the installation of Storybook and related packages. However, these packages are no longer necessary and can now be uninstalled.

Note: if your project doesn’t use Storybook and React, you can remove all packages. If your project uses Storybook or React, you only need to remove the packages that were installed specifically for E2E Visual Tests.

  • @storybook/addon-essentials
  • @storybook/cli
  • @storybook/server-webpack5
  • storybook
  • react
  • react-dom

Install new packages

Install the Chromatic dependencies for the framework you are using.

npm install --save-dev chromatic @chromatic-com/playwright
# or
yarn add --dev chromatic @chromatic-com/playwright

Update Scripts

You can remove the build-archive-storybook and archive-storybook scripts from your project’s package.json file, as they are no longer necessary. Instead, run your tests by utilizing the Chromatic CLI or GitHub Action. For more information on the changes related to Chromatic Build, please refer to the Chromatic Build Changes section.

Test File Changes


Change all Chromatic imports from @chromaui/test-archiver or chromatic-playwright to @chromatic-com/playwright.

More specifically, in your spec files, update the import for testing functions:

-import { test, expect, takeSnapshot } from "chromatic-playwright"
+import { test, expect, takeSnapshot } from "@chromatic-com/playwright"

And in your playwright.config.ts file, update the import for ChromaticConfig:

-import { ChromaticConfig } from "chromatic-playwright"
+import { ChromaticConfig } from "@chromatic-com/playwright"


Update the imports in your cypress/support/e2e.js file:

-import "chromatic-cypress/support"
+import "@chromatic-com/cypress/support

And in your cypress.config.js file:

-const { installPlugin } = require("chromatic-cypress")
+const { installPlugin } = require("@chromatic-com/cypress")

API Changes

This update includes renaming certain parameters and function names. In addition to the changes outlined above, please make sure to update your test files if you utilize any of the following:

  • takeArchive function has been renamed to takeSnapshot
  • disableAutoCapture param has been renamed to disableAutoSnapshot
  • allowedArchiveDomains param has been renamed to assetDomains

Chromatic Build Changes

If you’re using the Chromatic CLI:

  • Ensure that you’ve installed chromatic package with version 10.7.0 or higher.
  • The new command to publish a Chromatic build is: yarn chromatic --playwright -t=<TOKEN> or yarn chromatic --cypress -t=<TOKEN>
  • If the Playwright or Cypress test directories are in a custom location or in a nested project from where the command is run, the env var can still be used:
    CHROMATIC_ARCHIVE_LOCATION=packages/ui/playwright/test-results yarn chromatic --playwright -t=<TOKEN>

If you’re using the the GitHub Action, then you can use the following configuration:

- name: Run Chromatic
  uses: chromaui/action@latest
    playwright: true
    projectToken: ${{ secrets.chromaticProjectToken }}

# or

- name: Run Chromatic
  uses: chromaui/action@latest
    cypress: true
    projectToken: ${{ secrets.chromaticProjectToken }}

Re-accept baselines

After upgrading to the new packages, you will be required to re-accept all baselines. That’s because we have made changes to how tests are grouped, so all of your tests will appear as new.