
Build 399 on 263-fed-upgrade-bootstrap-4-to-bootstrap-5
Reviewing disabled
The baseline is taller than the new snapshot (1169x109 to 1169x107).
Baseline History
Build 3998c78b83 current baseline
Current build. Accepted by Mark Mitchell with 1 comment.
Build 389e30ae4c
Accepted by Gemma Stephen.
Commenting is disabled because there's a newer build on this branch. Go to Build 417 now

The following rule has been removed from .form-control: height: calc(1.5em + 2px + 1.5rem) in BS5.

Its absence seems to only affect this component in its error state, increasing the visible height by 2px.

you've previously said that the components should match the designs, but the design in the link you sent won't match even if the snapshot was identical - the design specifies 44px, not 50px.

So... I don't know. Similar to my previous comment, it seems perverse to seek a way of re-introducing this arbitrary imperative height rule to match a snapshot which is, itself, off-spec.

I don't even agree that a figma file that says "height: 44px" should be the source of truth for this value; there are always going to be situations where things render differently in different screens / clients. Shouldn't our guiding principle here be that as long as the design-relevant decisions are sensibly implemented (font-size, line-height, padding, border) then variations in the height of the overall element are best thought of as having a range of tolerance rather than a fixed value?

Here I would say that the element height is possibly not within tolerance and there should be discussion with the design team, but that's true whether or not this adjustment to BS5 is accepted.

I'm thinking aloud here BTW, don't feel obiged to respond in this forum; we can discuss separately.

If the design says 44px then it may be an error on our part there. I think for now its okay to leave this one as we still need to go through and align the designs & components. I dont see this one as a big issue but padding & spacing etc are the things we shouldnt be changing as we should be using the same design tokens as the design team for those.

apoologies, it must be tedious to see me grappling with these details, but GOOD NEWS - I've figured it out.

The design decision is not in the height of the element, but in the specified behaviour of its frame: vertical hug. This aligns with my expectations. The height error comes from line-height which we they have as 20 but we have as 1.5 (=24px).