Unable to find an element with the text: /ClickInfoTest/. This could be because the text is broken up by multiple elements. In this case, you can provide a function for your text matcher to make your matcher more flexible. Ignored nodes: comments, script, style <div id="storybook-root" > <div class="css-13br62s" data-color-scheme="light" > <div style="height: 100vh;" > <div aria-modal="true" class="css-1e4oyvk" hidden="" id="gu-lightbox" role="dialog" > <div class="css-os2q47" > <nav class="css-h4unms" > <button class="close css-1v07sbc" title="Close [ESC or Q]" type="button" > <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="-3 -3 30 30" xmlns="" > <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.015 14.042 20.707 22 22 20.709 14.06 12 22 3.291 20.707 2l-8.692 7.958L3.293 2.03 2 3.321 9.97 12 2 20.679l1.293 1.291 8.722-7.928Z" fill-rule="evenodd" /> </svg> <span class="css-ybr5tf" > Close dialogue </span> </button> <span class="css-n4pnam" > <span aria-hidden="true" class="css-1vz7rep" data-testid="lightbox-selected" > <span class="selected" > 1 </span> <span class="css-8mhfnx" > / </span> <span class="css-tviv3x" > 1 </span> </span> </span> <button class="next css-pnu31o" title="Next image [→]" type="button" > <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="-3 -3 30 30" xmlns="" > <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 12.956h18.274l-7.167 8.575.932.932L23 12.478v-.956l-9.96-9.985-.932.932 7.166 8.575H1v1.912Z" fill-rule="evenodd" /> </svg> <span class="css-ybr5tf" > Next image </span> </button> <button class="previous css-1c9urh0" title="Previous image [←]" type="button" > <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="-3 -3 30 30" xmlns="" > <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M23 11.044H4.726l7.167-8.575-.932-.932L1 11.522v.956l9.96 9.984.932-.931-7.166-8.575H23v-1.912Z" fill-rule="evenodd" /> </svg> <span class="css-ybr5tf" > Previous image </span> </button> <button class="info css-43tvi7" title="Toggle caption [i]" type="button" > <svg height="24" viewBox="0 0 9 24" width="9" xmlns="" > <path d="M.3 22L3.9 9.1H1.3l.4-1.4 5.6-.9.3.3-4.4 14.8H6L5.6 23c-.9.4-2.8.9-4.1.9-1.1 0-1.7-.5-1.2-1.9zM5.5 2C5.5.9 6.4.1 7.3.1c1 0 1.6.7 1.6 1.5 0 1.1-.9 1.9-1.8 1.9-1 .1-1.6-.6-1.6-1.5z" fill="#FFFFFF" /> </svg> <span class="css-ybr5tf" > Toggle caption </span> </button> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>View in Storybook
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Caught exception in
functionThis story threw an error after it finished rendering which means interactions may not have been executed fully.
Error: ignoredException at