Format Variations:Apps: Display: Showcase, Design: Picture, Theme: OpinionPillar

Build 4436 on ab/standard-layout-darkmode
Reviewing disabled
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BaselineBuild 4318 on gl/cartoons-tweak
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NewBuild 4436 on ab/standard-layout-darkmode
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The baseline is taller and thinner than the new snapshot (1200x1379 to 1725x1237).
Baseline History
Build 44363bec25b
Current build. There are unaccepted changes, so build 4318 is still the baseline.
Show baseline inheritance
Build 4021a3aa230
Accepted by Rebecca Thompson.
Build 39860bb0ae1
Accepted by Rebecca Thompson.
Build 3923b7aff82
Accepted by George B.
Commenting is disabled because there's a newer build on this branch
Go to Build 4481 now