Show outdated message when new test is available, and disable review button immediately

Merging tom/ap-3633-show-snapshot-outdated-header-as-soon-as-we-have-a-new into mainView on GitHub
Build 566
3 jobs run
1y ago
Build 575
3 jobs run
1y ago
Build 576
3 jobs run
1y ago
Build 577
3 jobs run
1y ago
Build 579
3 jobs run
1y ago
Tom Coleman assigned Michael Arestad to review1y ago
Build 582
3 jobs run
1y ago
Michael Arestad
1y ago

In this case, we shouldn't show the eyebrow message as it is redundant.

Tom Coleman
1y ago

OK, thanks, I thought it was a bit weird.

Tom Coleman
1y ago

So would we ever show this particular eyebrow?

Build 688
3 jobs run
1y ago
Build 689
3 jobs run
1y ago
Build 690
3 jobs run
1y ago
Show outdated message when new test is available, and disable review button immediately
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1 pending reviewer
Reviewer must approve this PR to pass the status check
Michael Arestad
1 unresolved discussion
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VisualTests:Next Build NewerView change
UI tests: Passed
7 changes accepted as baselines on the latest build.
Michael Arestad
Tom Coleman