Audio -- -- Audio Player (2) Visual Audio Recorder (2) Visual Audio Recorder with download button (2) Visual output with hidden download button (2) Visual Upload Audio (2) Visual with autoplay (2) Visual upload with disabled editing (2) Visual with hidden recording waveform (2) VisualChatbot -- -- Chatbot with math enabled (2) Visual Chatbot with math disabled, small height (2) Visual Chatbot with text rendered right-to-left (2) Visual Chatbot with copy button (2) Visual Chatbot with chat bubble full width disabled (2) Visual Chatbot with panel layout enabled (2) Visual Chatbot with panel layout enabled and avatars (2) Visual Chatbot with bubble layout enabled and avatars (2) Visual Chatbot with percentage height (2) VisualGallery -- -- Gallery with label (2) Visual Gallery without label (2) Visual Gallery with rows=3 and columns=3 (2) Visual Gallery with columns=4 (2) Visual Gallery with height=600 (2) Visual Gallery with allow_preview=false (2) Visual Gallery with preview (2) Visual Gallery with object_fit=scale-down (2) Visual