Article Meta (apps) -- -- With Avatar And Follow Story (2) Visual With Avatar No Title And Follow Story (2) VisualArticle Meta (web) : Interview Design VisualAvatar -- -- Round Medium, Opinion (Rich Links) VisualCutout Medium, Opinion (Rich Links) VisualLarge, Lifestyle (Byline image - Desktop) VisualLarge, News (Byline image - Desktop) VisualLarge, Culture (Byline image - Desktop) Visual Visual VisualSmall, Sport (Byline image - Mobile) Visual VisualCartoonBlockComponent -- -- Visualwith no credit or caption Visual VisualDynamicSlow : With avatars (3) Visual Visual VisualImageBlockComponent -- -- Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visualwith title and role inline Visualwith title and role inline on mobile Visualwith title and role immersive Visualwith title and role showcase Visualwith role halfWidth on desktop Visualwith role halfWidth on mobile Visual VisualLightboxLayout -- -- Default (2) Visual With Title (2) Visual With Credit (2) Visual With Rating (2) Visual When Live Blog (2) Visual With Everything (2) Visual With Sport (2) Visual With Culture (2) Visual Visual