DiscussionLayout -- -- A discussion with short comments VisualA discussion with page number default overridden to 50 VisualComment -- -- A root comment on desktop view VisualA root comment on mobile view Visual Visual VisualA long username reply on mobile view VisualBoth long usernames replying on mobile view Visual Visual Visual Visualwith staff and picked badges on desktop Visualwith staff and picked badges on mobile Visualwith contributor and picked badges on desktop Visualwith contributor and picked badges on mobile Visual Visual Visual Visual VisualA closed comment on desktop view VisualCommentContainer -- -- Visual Visualthreaded with show more button Visualthreaded with long usernames Visualthreaded with long usernames on mobile display VisualCommentForm -- -- Visual Visual Visual VisualCommentReplyPreview -- -- Visual Visual Visual VisualApp -- -- When logged out, unexpanded and with picks VisualWith initial page set to 1 VisualWhen logged in, with no picks and not expanded VisualWhen logged in, with no picks and not expanded VisualWhen logged out, with no picks and not expanded VisualLogged in but closed for comments VisualWhen logged out, unexpanded and with picks VisualA legacy discussion that doesn't allow threading Visual VisualFirstCommentWelcome -- -- VisualWelcome message with error Visual Visual VisualPagination -- -- Visual Visual Visual Visual