ArticleHeadline -- -- Interview (with showcase) VisualInterview (with showcase and NO BYLINE) VisualInterview (without showcase) VisualInterview Special Report (without showcase) VisualInterview (without showcase with NO BYLINE) VisualCounts : with zero comments VisualImageBlockComponent -- -- Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visualwith title and role inline Visualwith title and role inline on mobile Visualwith title and role immersive Visualwith title and role showcase Visualwith role halfWidth on desktop Visualwith role halfWidth on mobile VisualLiveBlock -- -- with an image as the first element (3) Visual with images at different roles (3) Visual with a thumbnail image surrounded by text (3) Visual with only a title and an image (3) VisualMultiImageBlockComponent -- -- Visualsingle image with caption Visual Visualside by side with caption Visual Visualone above two with caption Visual Visualgrid of four with caption Visual VisualFormat Variations : StandardDisplay StandardDesign NewsPillar Visual